Friday, 13 December 2019

Friday 13th December

This week in English we have been using a story called ‘Don’t forget me Father Christmas’.

On Monday we read the story and then drew a storymap to record the key moments in the story. 

On Tuesday we wrote our own expanded noun phrases to describe nouns in pictures from the book. Ask your child what expanded noun phrase they could write for the pictures below.
Remember an expanded noun phrase has an adjective comma adjective noun.
You may like to get them to identify which words are the adjectives and which are the nouns.  This is also a good activity to do when reading over the holidays - spot the noun, adjective, verb and adverb in sentences.

On Thursday and Friday we retold the story of Don’t forget me Father Christmas.
We had to use our story map to remind us of the key moments and co-constructed a toolkit that included features that make an interesting story to read.  We also included the non negotiables.  Please give your child the opportunity to practise the cursive handwriting over the holidays.  The more they practise the easier they will find writing with joins.
Home learning
Phonics – we recapped our learning about the ed endings from year one where the root word doesn’t change.  All words end in ed.
Even if ………
…painted sounds as though it ends in id it’s ed
…sailed sounds as though it ends in d it’s ed
…looked sound as though it ends in t it’s ed
Reinforce this at home when reading and writing. Next term we will be learning new rules in spelling  about ed endings where the root word changes.
Spellings – Please help your child practise the year one common exception words and the year two words that have been on the blog over the holidays as we will be starting spelling lessons from January.
We will  be continuing our learning about multiplication next week.  Please continue to practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to support this.
Thank you

Today we had a lovely Christmas lunch.

Please continue to practise the words for the Christmas play.  We are encouraging the children to speak slowly, loudly  and with lots of expression. 
We think you you will love the play next week! Have a good weekend, 

The Year Two Team