Sunday, 24 November 2019

Friday 22nd November

Thank you for coming to the parent consultation meetings this week. We hope you found them informative and useful, and we hope you are proud of all progress your children are making. 

This morning the children took part in a maths morning. They solved a number of puzzles and cracked codes in order to generate an 8 digit passcode which allowed them to ‘escape the forest’ (similar to ‘escape the room’ experiences).
The children used addition and subtraction, pattern finding, routes and codes to solve problems. Each problem generated a single digit answer, which formed part of the passcode. The children worked in twos and had to use teamwork to ensure that they found all 8 digits in the passcode over the course of the morning. Here are some examples of the puzzles and us solving them.

This afternoon we have enjoyed playing maths games, such as Make 10 and Lions and Tigers. We have also enjoyed making our own maths games and books.

During the week, we have been learning to recognise, count and select money. We stated by selecting 4 coins finding the total. We used our previous learning to add efficiently.

The next day we worked in pairs and selected an item to ‘buy’. We selected the correct value of coins and our partner checked we had used careful counting. We challenged ourselves to make the value using the fewest coins and some of us make the value in different ways.

We recorded this learning the next day when we choose a value and drew a part, part, whole model to represent the coins we could use.

Here are some money questions you could discuss at home: 

Next week we will be comparing different amounts of money and finding the difference between them. We will use this learning to calculate giving change, from values up to £1. Please play with money with your children, helping them to add a selection of coins, make a given value and give change.

This week in English we have been learning about explanation texts.  That is a text that explains how or why something happens. 
On Monday we were given a selection of  explanation texts to look at and think about the features of such texts.  We then talked about what we had found and listed the features.
After we read an explanation text as a class called ‘How does water change?’ We looked to see if the book had the same features we had talked about.  After that we were explanation texts detectives and using the sheet below we tried to find evidence of the features in the book we were given.   

At the end of the lesson we talked about how some information can be presented as a flow diagram.
On Tuesday as a class we used a PowerPoint all about evaporation.  We looked at some pictures and talked about what was happening.

We then read a short explanation text  about evaporation and noticed some key words that were used to explain the process. We then tired to create our own flow diagrams to explain the process of evaporation.  We had three sentence starters we could use First….. Then…. After that….
We also thought about specific words we could use.  These included – wet, dry, sun and evaporate.

On Wednesday we had a SpAG lesson.  We revisited our learning about the four types of sentences.



We had to match the sentences to the type of sentence.  After that we wrote our own examples if different sentences and then tried to change one type into another.  Eg I am going to the shop into When will you go to the shop?
Try this activity at home.
On Thursday we used our explanation texts from home with the detective sheet we had used on Monday to see if our texts had those features. 
Over the weekend look at the explanation text your child brought into school and talk about the key features.

Phonics – we have been learning about  

·         the /f/ sound spelt ph eg phone, elephant, trophy, dolphin, phrase

·         the /w/ sound spelt wh at the beginning of words eg when, which, while, where, white, wheel

·         the /r/ sound spelt wr at the beginning of words eg write, written, wrote, wrong, wrap, wreck

·         the /n/ sound spelt kn at the beginning of words eg knock, know, knee, knight, kneel ,knee, knife
and (less often) gn at the beginning of words gnat, gnaw

Make your own sentences up with these words. 

We have been enjoying learning about algorithms and programming using Scratch and Turtle. You might like to help your child continue their learning at home. Here is a link to the website we have been using:

We have now given out the parts for the our Christmas play - Santa's On Strike. We have been practising the songs, starting to create the dances and have given out scripts, to  children with speaking parts. We will be giving out costume letters as soon as possible, hopefully this week. Please remember that children will perform in bare feet, and if you have any questions about their costume requirements please speak to us. 

We hope you have a good weekend!

The Year Two Team

(P.S. Sorry for the late publishing of the blog this week, the computers kept freezing on Friday evening!)

We hope you have a good weekend,