Friday, 15 November 2019

Friday 15th November

This week in maths, we have been continuing our learning about addition and subtraction. We started by subtracting a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number. We used sticks and bricks to partition the first number into tens and ones. We then took the ones away and if we did not have enough one we ‘regrouped’, or ‘exchanged’ one ten for some ones. For example, 62 – 8 does not have enough ones. 62 can be regrouped as 5o (5 tens) and 12 ones. We can then subtract the 8 from the 12 ones, to leave 4 ones, and add to the 5 tens = 54. A picture will explain this more clearly!

We have also done 62 - 8 using a bead string, this time ‘thinking 10’. First we find 62 on the bead string. We know that 8 can be partitioned into 2 and 6. We can subtract the 2 from 62 to make 60, then we need to subtract the other 6. Knowing our number bonds means we know 60 – 6 = 54. We use this same method on a number line.


We then subtracted a 2-digit number from a 2-digit number. Again, we partitioned the number into tens and one and regrouped a ten if we needed more ones. We practised this using tens and ones, bead string and number lines. Here is an example using 73 - 46

Tens and ones:  73 = 6 tens and 13 ones. Subtract 6 ones from 13 = 7ones, then subtract the 4 tens from the 6 ten = 2 tens. We now have 2 tens and 7 ones = 27.


Bead String: Start on 73. We know 46 is 40 + 3 + 3. Take away 3, to reach the next multiple of 10 = 70, take away 40 = 30 (using our number facts), take away the other 3 = 27 (using number facts)

Number line: Start on 73, jump back 3, then 40, then 30.

Please practise subtracting 2-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers at home. You can see that we are using our number facts to be efficient mathematicians, so please practise those if your child is not secure with addition and subtraction facts in 20.

We have also been adding 3, 1-digit numbers. We rolled a dice and made 3 numbers. We then created a calculation using these numbers, putting them in the most efficient order to calculate the total. 

This week in English we have been continuing our learning about writing instructions.
On Monday we followed a set of instructions to make our own Catherine wheel firework.  We had to read each instruction in the correct order to be successful.

On Tuesday we used a planning sheet to plan our instructions.  
We had to remember the features of instructions.
·        Title
·        Numbers each instruction
·        Start each command on a new line
·        Short, clear commands
·        Adverbs
·        Extended commands
On Thursday we wrote our own instructions using our planning sheet and the toolkit above.
We also had to remember to include the non-negotiables.
On Friday we edited our work with our teachers and then had an instruction writing ChIL.

Home learning
This weekend please get your child to carefully follow the instructions to make a rain gauge and a weather vane so next week they can record the weather at home on the weather sheet ready to bring it into school for the science lesson in the week commencing 25th November.
Next week in English we are learning about explanation texts.  This is a text that explain a process of how or why something happens.  If the children could bring an explanation text into school for next Thursday as they will be looking at the features of this text including headings, sub headings, diagrams and vocabulary specific to the subject.
Phonics – we have been learning the j sound represented as
·        dge in fudge, bridge and badge
·        ge in rage, stage, challenge and village
·        g as in gem, magic and giant
You may like to get your child to put some of these words into a sentence.
Spellings – we have been practising One... Once... old, cold, gold, hold.  
This week we didn’t have a handwriting lesson as the Year 5s came down to share their stories as a random act of kindness.

In Geography we were learning about forecasting the weather.  We learnt about the different weather symbols and used our knowledge of places in the UK to present the weather forecast.

Have a great weekend.
 Year Two staff.