Friday 16 October 2020

Now we have finished week 6, the children are firmly established in their routines and making good progress with their learning.  A particular well done to Eagles who have shown great resilience in adapting to a new teacher.  

Word of the Week: Bitter


Intensely cold.

It was a bitter November evening. 


This week we read the story The Bee’s Treasure.  Together we drew a story map and then we acted out some parts of the story.  We were most impressed with the standard of acting!  


In maths we have started thinking about addition and subtraction.  We thought about what we can use to help us – known facts, resources such as 100 squares and estimating and checking our answers first. 


The children would benefit from some extra practise on rapid recall of their number bonds.  There are lots of fun online games that they could play such as Hit the Button.



This week we studied aerial photographs.  We identified physical and human features.  Through discussion, the children used their observational skills to find key features in aerial photographs.  They also compared an aerial view and a ground level view.  

Chidlren could explore some of their favourite places using google earth and describe what they see.  Does anything surprise them?

Ask the children what key features they can see. What adjectives can they use to add detail.  Try an expanded noun phrase!



 Finally, it was time to get our hands dirty again and make our clay mini-beasts.  The children referred carefully to their designs which had detail about which clay tecniwues to use and how they were going to achieve the patterns they had planned.

 Children took care to:

Shape clay – not too thick or too thin

Pinch clay to make legs etc.

Mark clay – to show texture and pattern

Join clay using cross-hatching and slip