Friday 11 September 2020

Friday 11th September 2020

 Welcome back!

It is so lovely to see all of the children back!  We are so proud of the way they have settled into their new classes.  There are new rules to ensure we keep each other as safe as possible and they are following these very well.

In our classes, we have discussed how we each have different circles and what it means to be in each circle.  This was a great way for the children to understand who they will see around school and how important it is for them to respect the distance between them and the adults.  Here is an example from Owl Class.

Settling In

Each class has its own routines throughout the day.  Can your child explain to you the routines that are being established?

We have discussed each of the Crabtree Rules, why they are important and how we can demonstrate them.  

Please speak to your child about these rules. Can they think of any examples when they shown they are following the rules.

- We follow instructions quickly.

- When one person speaks we listen.

- We speak and act kindly and honestly.

- We look after everything.

- We stay focused.

We have practised these rules and the Crabtree values by playing games and activities. Ask your child which rule or value we were demonstrating in these pictures! 


The children have adapted well to the changes in play and lunchtime routines.  It is lovely to see them playing with familiar friends but also exploring new friendships.

Keeping Safe

We have been reminding the about regular and thorough hand washing.  They used the images below to write some instructions.


We certainly have budding artists in Year 2!  Take a look our self portraits.

Thank you for your patience and for social distancing at drop off and pick and sticking to the allocated times.

Have a lovely weekend!

The Year 2 Team