Friday 6 March 2020

Friday 6th March 2020

Fun Booklets

This week, the children have had an introduction to the Year 2 ‘fun booklets’.  They have impressed us with their listening skills and how well they have followed the instructions.
We will be sharing the results of these at the upcoming parent consultations.

In spellings this week, we have been focusing on some of the Year 2 common exception words (please see the home/school book for the full list).
We looked at door, floor, poor, old, cold, gold, hold, told.
We encourage you to regularly review your child’s retention of these words.  Thank you for your support.

Fairtrade Café
On Monday, we put our measuring skills to good use when we made Fairtrade muffins for our café.  We were very impressed with the children’s teamwork as they read the recipe, measured and combined the ingredients.

It was lovely to see so many of you joining us in promoting this important initiative.
If you took a copy of the recipe home, we home you enjoy make more muffins.  If you try different Fairtrade ingredients do let us know.

Maybe you would like to explore more about Fairtrade.  The following website has a wealth of information:

On Thursday it was ‘World Book Day’. It was great to see the children in their wonderful costumes!

We celebrated by having a ‘Book Swap’.  Thank you for making this possible, the children loved choosing a ‘new book to them’ and were proud that the event helped develop our awareness of
how to reuse books in a real and purposeful way.

 We also enjoyed sharing and recommending books to each other.  The conversations about           stories, books and authors overheard where delightful. 

Today we have enjoyed a science morning. Thank you to Mr Hall, a parent, for arranging so many wonderful activities and for spending the morning with us. The children all had lots of fun, learnt a lot, and are experts at checking x-rays for broken bones! 

Next Wednesday is our class assembly. If your child has chosen to speak, please practise their words with them at home. We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday for the assembly, and afterwards you are very welcome to visit the classrooms and look at the children's learning. 

We hope you have a good weekend, 

The Year Two Teachers