Friday, 11 June 2021

Friday 11th June 2021


Welcome back to the blog! It is great to start showing you some photos of our learning at school again. We hope that you will see how happy a busy the children are at school! 

This week in maths, we have been recapping our learning about shape. First, we investigated 2-D and 2-D shapes and we described them using their properties: the number of sides, vertices, edges and faces.         

We then sorted the shapes, according to their properties. We thought about what was the same and what was different.

As you see shapes during the weekend, please ask your child to name them and then use the mathematical vocabulary to describe them – how many sides, vertices, edges and faces.

This week our focus has been on adding –ed.

We looked at the 4 rules that we need to follow:

·         Just add -ed (e.g. look – looked)

·         Double the final consonant (e.g. hop – hopped)

·         Add just the d if the word ends in e (e.g. hope – hoped)

·         Change the y into i and add –ed (e.g. copy – copied)


You could continue to explore these spelling rules by looking though books and magazines and putting to words into the relevant groups.



Owl class are visiting the book ‘Tuesday’ by David Weisner. (scroll down to see the animation).

Eagles have been basing their learning on ‘The Smartest Giant In Town’.

We have both completed a story map, stepped the story acted as story tellers and ‘phoned a friend’ to fully embed the story in our minds.


At home, you could ask your child tell you about the story – what is their favourite part?  Why? What do they think will happen next?

Can your child act out the story for you?  Can you join in?


We thoroughly enjoyed exploring printing techniques this week.  We used a variety of resources to make prints and experimented with making patterns and rotating. 

 We have the following top tips to follow when printing:

·         Put a thin layer of paint on the item you are using

·         Keep your hand still when you are on the paper

·         Lift your hand straight up when  you have made your print


You could try printing using some items you can find around the house.  You also look in the garden.  Don’t forget to follow our ‘Top Tips’.


We have been so impressed with all of the research that the children carried out during the half term holiday. They have come back so knowledgeable!  Some children had carried out research into the scientist we studied this week – Charles Darwin.  

In computing this half term we are using and applying the learning from the year. We have started by using a paint program to create a picture of a house (or palace!) for our ‘World Changer’ or Queen Elizabeth II. We recalled the artistic style of Seurat and selected tools to create a picture made from dots.

Thank you for helping your child research a 'world changer'. The children loved sharing their knowledge and it is great to see them developing skills of research and presentation. Well done everyone!

We hope you have a great weekend in the sun! 
The year 2 team