Friday, 4 October 2019

Friday 4th October

This week during  ‘Book Week’ we have been focusing on the book ‘The Ugly Bug’ by Liz Pichon.
On Monday we read the book and talked about why the Ugly Bug was seen as ugly.  We then thought of alternative words to ugly.
Later that day we talked about the plot of the story. We used the plot matrix to help us. 

After we wrote our own simple book review of the book.
We used these sentence starters.

I like the Ugly Bug story  because ………………………………….at the beginning/in the middle/in the end.
My favourite part of the story is the part where…………………………
I didn’t like the part where ……….
Ask your child these questions to find out what they liked about the book.  You may like to use these sentence starters when you read other books with them.
On Tuesday we used our imagination to draw our own ugly bugs just like a real illustrator.  Then we looked at the adjectives the author used to describe the Ugly Bug.

HUGE, boggly, eyes.
Odd, wibbly,wobbly shaped head.
Horrible, hairy back.
Wonky, purple legs
We noticed the author had used expanded noun phrases – adjective, comma, adjective noun. We then chose our best adjectives to describe our bugs eyes, head, body and legs just like a real author.
 On Wednesday we retold the story as a class and then got into groups of five to re-enact the story.  We had to remember to
·         Speak clearly and loudly
·         Look at audience
·         Use expression
·         Add actions and sound effects
·         Work together as a team

On Thursday we had great fun creating our own ugly bug models.  You will get a chance to see them next week when you come to the assembly.

You may want to read other stories with Ugly in the title and make comparisons between them.  The Ugly Duckling, The Ugly Five by Julia Donaldson.

Today we have been thinking about our assembly next week, and what we would each like to do. Children with a speaking part have brought their lines home today. Please can you practise these over the weekend so your child is ready for our first practice on Monday, thank you. 

Good news - both classes have achieved ten apples! We have both decided to have a Teddy Bears' picnic. Please can you send your child in to school on Friday with a small, named teddy and a snack to eat. The snacks will not be chilled. 

Have a great weekend! 

The Year Two Team

P.S. Can you spot the expanded noun phrases in our blog?